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Brief an Angela Merkel

Unsere Freundin Sundra Kanigowski hat uns auch auf einen Brief aufmeksam gemacht, den die Plattform Second attempt ins Netz gestellt hat. Ein öffentlicher Brief an Angela Merkel, der uns allen aus dem Herzen spricht. Bitte lest ihn Euch durch und lasst uns überlegen, wie wir daraus gemeinsame Aktionen entwickeln können, ehe es zu spät ist:

Namaskar Jah love

Euer tageschance-team

A Comment Tageschance The USA Presendency 2016:


A Comment Tageschance

The USA Presendency 2016:


Glory be unto the One Most Holy God!!!!!!!!!

For His Love and His Grace unto Mankind do we give Thanks!!!!!!!!!

If a New Bible was to be written to the New Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Lord Christ and the Name Barack Obama was to be mentioned, we do think it would be said: and the Lord chose Barack Obama to be the First Black President of the USA and he did what was Right in the sight of the Lord.

After the Disastrous and Aggressive Rule of George Bush and his Republican Government of the USA, it was Neccessary to make a Change. This Change was to Embrace the New Age of Aquarius and to Ring this New Age into Glory.

Oh Thou America who have Lived in darkness, see, a Light is come unto you!!!!!!!!!

Never before did a President and his Government done so much for it's People and it's Nation like Barack Obama and his Democratic Government did for the USA and the World!!!!!!!!!

Never before have we seen such Politics as is Practiced by the Ruling President of the USA and his Government!!!!!!!!!

Glory unto God, Glory unto Allah, Glory unto Buddha, Glory unto Crishna, Glory unto the Mesiha, Glory unto Christ, for God love not the Abundance of Weapons or the Strength of the warfairing Person, or the Sacrifice of blood, but He Prefere the Humble, Broken and Contrite Heart for these are the Tabanacle of the Lord God!!!!!!!!!

We the People of the World, the Peoples of the Nations of the World Respect and Honour and Dignify the Democratic Government of the USA and are very Pleased with their Works and therefore speak in One Accord: Yes Hillary Clinton Should be the Next President of the USA, seeing that she is Worthy to Cloth this Ministry with all Needed Compitence and Ability and with Faith in the Christ and the Masters and the Godly Plan!!!!!!!!!

Let Her Continue the Great Works of Barack Obama and Establish the Pressence of the Christ in the Earth, through the Fantastic politics what the World now wittness with their own eyes!!!!!!!!!

Know for a Fact, the Energies of those who now Work through Barack Obama are not the same who worked through George Bush. The difference is that the Bush Energy was based on Wars and Violance, other than that of the Obama Energy which is the Energy of Reformation, Peace, Love, Reconciliation, Mercy and Grace and the Power of the Sound and the Word!!!!!!!!!

Oh yee Heavens this is an Exact Blue Print of how Future Governments shall Rule and therewith, Establish Heaven on Earth. Mankind have found the way to do Reunion with Mankind in Harmless form and Brothers and Sisters, Governments and Nations can Forgive and Forget the Wrongs of the past and Prepare themselves to Embrace the New, the 5th Dimention, the Age of Love, the Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Christ!!!!!!!!!

On the Common ways of Understanding doth Mankind do Harmony!!!!!!!!!

Give Hilary Clinton the Office of Presidency of the USA for the Year 2016 and let Her Rule in Dignity and in the Light and the Power of the Lord!!!!!!!!!

She is a Beautifull Person of Heart and Soul and is Worthy to Serve the Plan of God!!!!!!!!!

If Hilary Clinton is ready to Serve the Plan, let Her step Foward and Speak aloud: Yess I Shall Serve the Plan of God!!!!!!!!! And We Hear Her say: Yes I Shall!!!!!!!!! Glory be the One Holy God!!!!!!!!!

Let the People of the World and of the Nations of the World say with One Accord, We do Aggree!!!!!!!!! Amen, Amen, Amen, Selah!!!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love



Holy art Thou oh Tina Turner!!!!!!!!! If we had to give something unto you oh Beloved Sister, it would be Everlasting Life at the Righthand of the Lord Buddha!!!!!!!!! Blessed art thou oh Sister Tina!!!!!!!!!

Blessed art Thou oh Sister Rihana and Thanks for the Love and your Grace. Christ Maitreya Buddha is with you and the yours!!!!!!!!!

Holy art Thou oh Bai Ling and be Blessed in the Lord Maitreya Buddha, the Love you have sown shall be for you as unto a Garden full of most Glorious Flowers ever seen!!!!!!!!!

Holy art Thou oh Jacky Chan, be Blessed in the Lord Maitreya Buddha!!!!!!!!!

Holy art Thou oh Jet Lee, be Blessed in the Lord Maitreya Buddha!!!!!!!!!

It was Men like you, Brother Lee and Brother Chan, who Influenced our Destiny to Choose the Good way, Buddha Bless You!!!!!!!!!

Holy art Thou oh Ruppy Gold Berg, be Blessed in the Christ Maitreya Buddha!!!!!!!!!

Holy art Thou oh La Tiffa, be Blessed in the Christ Maitreya Buddha!!!!!!!!!

Blessed are the Poor and the Hungry, for they shall be Fed and Inherit the Kingdom of their God!!!!!!!!!

Blessed are the Thirsty, for they shall be given to Drink of the Water of Life!!!!!!!!!

Blessed are the Homeless, for they shall be given a Home and be Haused!!!!!!!!!

Blessed are the Naked for they shall, after their toilings, be Cloth in the Garments of the Lord !!!!!!!!!

Blessed are the Sick, for they shall have Medical Aid!!!!!!!!!

Blessed are the Illiterate, for they shall be Educated!!!!!!!!!

Blessed are they who suffer in their Fight for Equalrights and Justice and Freedom, for they shall stand with the Lord in His Kingdom of Glory and Splendour!!!!!!!!!

Blessed is the One Holy God and His Glory unto Mankind!!!!!!!!!

Let this Glory Manifest itself In, and Through, the Hearts and Souls of Mankind and Bless all Humanity and all Nature!!!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love


A Comment Tageschance A closed Study towards Respect and Disrespect:


A Comment Tageschance

A closed Study towards Respect and Disrespect:

The last Comment what we wrote over Respect for more Harmony was actually a Study to see how People react when they feel themselves Discriminated.

This Study did'nt last long and was deliberately set up in this manner to test the Reactions of some.

Now this study shows that 99% of the Homosexuals felt themselves Discriminated through the word „Faggit“. This word is just as Discriminating as if you were to call someone „Nigger“, seeing that this is an insult on that or those Persons.

From Homosexuals, Polititions unto Popstars and great VIP's are supprise and some how upset that a Platform like the Tageschance could write a so discriminating comment in this form.

Many felt Discriminated seeing that they associate in their daily life with Homosexual and have to get along with them. Some have even taught to Demonstrate against the Comment. Funny as it may seem, many are prepared to Demonstrate for the Rights of Homosexuality and against the Discrimination against them, but very little are prepared to Demonstrate for the Soverinity of the Holyness of the Holy Mother Mary. Is'nt that funny? The Holy Mother could be Discriminated and no one takes notice of it, but for a Homosexual is there a fire of Dissapointment when one speaks bad about them.

Now, we from the Tageschance have nothing against Homosexuals, seeing that we are Great Fans of Queen and Freddy Mercury, and we also have acquantances and Friends of ours who are Lesbians and Homos.

What the Study also showed was that most People are Prepared to stand up to Defend that with what they Identify themselves with, and extremely in the field of the above subject, seeing that this belongs to the show business. Very few people in our Western Hemisphere are however not prepared to Demonstrate for the Right of Spirituallity or for the Right of God in His Religious form as a member of the Church. There are many different reasons for this cause. In the Islamic World this is not the case, seeing that Spirituallity and God play a central role in their Lives. We here in the West have almost forgotten what Spirituallity really means, seeing that Luxus, Technology and and other values have taken the place of our Devine contact to the Devine Creator and his Creation.

The Western Civilzation have distanced themselves so far from their Origns, that God is a Myth and an Illussion for many. Western Civilization trust mainly on that what they can see, touch, hear and smell, all other is a belief (Belief= a matter of a doubt).

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, an Avatar of the East told us about the God Human, a person who was concives through the Spirit of God. We Know that this is Possible even when this opinion may not past everyone's mind.

A little story what happened to me in the year 2013. I had to visit two Churches where I was asked to sing. At the moment I only had 5 € in my pocket and taught that this was for the one Church as collection, but it would be fantastic when I could also give the other Church 5 € to. I taught if while walking the street, I could find just 5€ then would be great. 10 seconds after having this taught layed 5€ before my feet on the street. I looked up towards Heaven and said Thanks. Now I had 10€ what I could share between both Churches. Do you believe in wonders or do you know that wonders happens?

Our study showed us that most People are only prepared to defend their Personal Rights but the Rights of others are of little Value.

We appell for Equal Rights and Justice for all. The Equal amount of Respect for all. The Equal amount of Tollerance for all no matter of Race, Religion, Faith, or what ever. First when we can See, understand, and Respect the standpoint of the other, only then we would have Harmony.

p.s. Sorry, and we appolagize unto all those who felt themself offended by the last Comment, but it was done extra for that reason to wake up those who taught that only their self interest in more important as that of an other Person.

We Love you all Abundantly, wether Muslim, Christian, Homosexual, Commidian, Carricaturist and we would do nothing to hurt you, but we wish from your side, show more feelings and considderation towards that what could hurt other, even when you believe that it's your free will and your Democratic Right.

The World Teacher Maitreya is asking us not to hurt others, not phisically nor mentally, nor Verbally, but to Serve each other. To Service others, means also to Respect their wishes.

Namaskar Jah Love

