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A Comment from Ringo Easter 2014:


A Comment from Ringo

Easter 2014

After 40 days in the wilderness, the Pruffer (Examiner or Hierophant) came to Jesus to test Him. The first test was to turn stone into bread, the second was to gain the World and lose His Soul, the third was to tempt God and put His lawalty to the test. Jesus did not yeal unto the Temptations of the Tempter and sowith did He pass the Test,

Mr.Putin do you think that you have past the Easter test and the Temptations about the Krim and the Ukrain? Agression asked you and your group to bow down and worship it and gain the Krim and if possible the Ukrain and therefore you yealded unto the Temptations of „Want and Greed and Possessiveness and Hate and War and Agression. Do you really believe that you have past the test for Easter Mr.Putin?

There are which of those who also tempt, like the three sisters in Mc Beth Mr.Putin, who we surely do believe have you and Bashar Al Asad in their grips.

Are you a Christian soul Mr.Putin and do you really believe?

The Pope Franciscus asked us in His Easter Seremony: who are we, are we the Judas who betrayed Him, the Peter who denied Him, or one of the Maries who wept below His cross?

It is said that the devil tested Jesus, but was it really a devil or was it His Father in Heaven who is the Hierophant, the Examiner? Abraham was also tested in the same manner, by God.

Sacrifice and Diliverance of ones self is the way to Mastership.

Jesus could have yeal unto the 3 Temptations, but He did'nt. He knew that if He would bow down and worship the Temptner that He would have gained the Whole World, but His Soul would have been lost to the Greed of Want!

We felt ourselves betrayed Mr.Putin after the Act of your Agression on the Ukrain and it's People, seeing that we had a Contract with you and Russia, even though China was sucking on that Contract like Vampires would suck the Blood out of a person..

In our Reform for Russia, we also taught of a Brotherly Unification of both Churches in Kiew and Moskow but not through Agression but through the Free Will of the People of the Ukrain.

Because of your Love for war, Agression and Oppression, do we say: you are not worthy of the Light seeing that you would only do destruction with it!!!!!!!!!

You see Mr.Putin and Co, it is written in the Holy Scriptures: God dont take pleasure in the strength of the strong horses, or have pride in the loins of the Man, but have more pleasure in a broken and contreit heart, and a soul to repentance. God dont want no sacrifices of blood but He wishes a Rightous Heart!!!!!!!!!

You can't force People to Love you, but Love is developed through Trust and Respect, Tollerance and Understanding.

Maitreya once said at a Demonstration: look at the Price, the Price is Mankind, Humanity. How many would you and your Group Asad, Xi Gin Ping and yourself kill and rob just to rule the World and dominate their Human Rights as a Free People?

The same goes out unto the Capitalist who and Bankers who believe that their „Bonies“ should be doubled while our World is being Exploited because of Greed and Stingyness!!!!!!!!! The Earth suffers as mankind Exploits it's Recources to become rich.

The same goes out unto the Boko Haram and all they who yeal unto the Temptations of their False Ideoligy and False Interpritations of Allah's Laws!!!!!!!!! All these things are a Reality and not just an other Holly Wood film and they who take such to promote themselves and their selfinterest are just as bad as the bad itself!!!!!!!!!

For over 4 years ago did we ask Mrs.Obama to go ahead and do a Women's program to prevent such as we now have in Nigeria and in India, but even up to today she have'nt started. Besides this, Millions of American Households would have been fed through such a Project and President Obama would have been Strengthened Imense.

We ask the question: how long would it take before the USA Invites the President and the Opposition of Venezuela in the White house and get the missunderstanding between them out of the World?

We also ask the question: when will President Maduro go over to the USA and speak with President Obama?

It is surely a Brotherly gesture to give Palastine Oil, but the question is, can Palistina fill the empty shelves in Venezuela. In the long run Venezuela must sit at the table with the USA so that the Sanctions between them can be solved and that their Shelves can be filled with the neccessary needs of the People. We also hope that Germany would Help in this matter.

All those who try to stop these processes of GoodWill are just Expiring the days of suffering for those who needs this help most.

The Lord said: I am the good Shepard and my sheep knows my voice, and they shall follow me when I shall call them.

The Righteous Judge

Psalm 82:

JAH stands in the congrigation, and is judge amongst the Gods. How long shall you do injustice and favour the unjust. Selah.

Give and Exicute Righteousness unto the poor and the Widows, and Help the poor and the needy to Equalrights and Justice.

Save and Rescue the Opressed and the Suffering and Deliver them out of the Violence of their Opressors.

They harken not unto the Lord and they are not convinced in His Words. They walketh in darkness, therefore doth the Earth shake

Surely i did say: You are gods, and also Sons of God, but you shall die as men do, and like a Tyran who dies.

Oh Jah Arise and judge the Earth, for you are Judge and Creator of the Earth!!!!!!!!!

Amen, Amen, Amen.Selah!!!!!!!!!


Namaskar Jah Love

A Comment from Ringo Ukrain:

A Comment from Ringo


It is simple, if the east of the Ukrain want's to go to Russia and choose to do this freely, let them go.

Kiew wishes to come to the EU, therefore the EU should take them in, we think that this is a good deal for both sides and would solve the end of the conflict. Russia should accept this dicission of Kiew and the EU, as they have accepted the Illigal Elections from the Krim and in Donyets. Equal Rights for all.

We do believe that the east of the Ukrain is lost to Russia and Kiew need not believe that they shall have it back seeing that Russia acknowledges the Referendum held there.

It is time that Kiew becomes a member of the EU, what do you think Russia?

Namaskar Jah Love



A Comment from Ringo


Dear Mr.Putin, dear Mr.Lavruff, here are a few questions what we have on you and Russia:


For three years ago as the Citizens of Syria went out on the streets in a Peacefull demonstration with their posters in their hand's asking for Reform, Asad sent out his soldiers and his secret police to arrest, shoot and kill the Demonstrators. You Mr.Putin and Mr.Lavruf, as well as China saw it as Ligitimate when the Syrian Government handeled that way.

Question: Why did'nt you allow the Government of Kiew to do the same with those Armed men in Millitary wear in the East of the Ukrain? Not that Kiew should also use such measurements.


Why do you allow the People in Donyets and in the Krim to Demonstrate with Guns, but in Moskaw is it forbidden for the Russian People to Protest Peacefully?


You in Moskaw said that the Government in Kiew is iligal and not an Elected Government and therefore you would'nt handle with them or accept them.

Q: Is the present so called Government in Egypt Legal? No, but still you were down there last year and have already made deals to sell them weapons, why would you want to work then with such an Illegal Government who was'nt elected by the people of Egypt at that time, and is just Illigal as that in Kiew or in Donyets or in the Krim?


As the People of the Krim demonstrated, Mr.Lawruf said before the cammerers in a comment, that China have given Russia the allowence to go into the Krim, which you did with your Millitary.

As Xi Gin Ping was in Germany, he also said before the cammerers that he or his Government have nothing to do with your statement.

Q: Who is telling lies, you or China?


As Terrorist bombed a trainstation and days after a bus before the games in Sochy, where many died, you Mr.Putin sat in Russian TV and made a statement which went; I can't emagine how someone can kill Women and Children?

Q: One or two weeks before that happened in Russia, Bashar Al Asad had just bombed a School, and a Market place killing both Women and Children. Why did'nt you Condemn that Mr.Putin?


Mr:Putin, you have prommissed the People in the Krim more wages and more Rent.

Q: All those People who Worked to build the Olympic City of Sochy, did they all get their full wages what was prommissed them or are they still waiting for their money?


Q: Dear Russia, who gave you the Right to claim the North Pole as the Property of Russia, is'nt it the Property of all Humanity on Earth?


Mr.Putin, oh Russia, you were angry and dissapointed as Barack Obama was reelected. You said you wanted someone harder.

Q: Do you really hope to find someone who could go to war with you, just to prove how strong Russia is and this is why you provoke? Mr.Putin why not fight first your's and Russia's Fears before you choose to fight others?

These are the questions which one ask when one hears and studies your statements and your demands. It is hard to understand and believe you when you make a Prommise.

Yes Mr.Putin, yes oh Russia we know that you are really strong and mighty.

The Dragon and the Tiger may be strong and are most terrible beasts, but the Lamb of God shall Conquer them all.

Namaskar Jah Love






A Kommentar-Tageschance Deutschland/Venezuela:


A Kommentar-Tageschance


Nehmt die Not und die Leiden euer Brüdern und Schwestern als Maßstab für euer handeln, und beendet die Problemen unsere Welt, ein anderen weg gibt es nicht.

                                                                         Maitreya Buddha: Der Christus und Weltlehrer

Die Notwendigkeit für zusammen Arbeit und die Anwendung, von das Prinzip des Teilens, ist Notwendiger als manche glauben mag. Um die Konflikten unseren Welt zu lösen, müssen wir das Problem analysieren um die Ursache zu finden. Mangel an Nahrung, Hygiene, Medizin, Pflege, Bildung, dies sind Dinge die den meisten Konflikten hervorrufen. Die Angst vor Annäherung kann auch als behindern bezeichnet werden. Wir müssen unseren Ängste Überwinden und handeln.

Deutschland kann Venezuela Helfen aus ihren Not.

Venezuela benötigt, Nahrung: Milch Pulver und H Milch, Zucker, Mehl, Butter, Brot, Kartoffeln.

                               Sanitär: Toilettenpapier, Zahnpaster, Seife, Waschmitteln, Henkel, Pflegemitteln, u.s.w.                     

                              Medizin: Bayer, Ratiopharm und Co, Magnesium, Kalzium, Vitaminen und anderen mitteln u. Methoden zur Bekämpfung von Volkskrankheiten und Unterernährung u.s.w.

Rechnet eine Betrag aus, die für eine Fünfjähriges Projekt zwischen beide Nationen (Venezuela u. Deutschland) dienen könnte und nehme dies als erste Anlauf und Arbeite daran, und die Nöte unserer Mitmenschen mit zu lösen und dabei zu wachsen durch den Dienste.

Lasset Deutschland den Plan dienen.

Oh Venezuela, oh Deutschland, sei Gesegnet in nahmen Christi.

Namaskar Jah Love






















