Liebe Freunde der Goi Peace Foundation,
meine Kolleginnen und ich freuen uns besonders, dass der
GOI PEACE AWARD 2012 einer Frau verliehen wird und zwar der Schwedin Helena Norberg-Hodge.
Sie wird ihren Preis am 25. November 2012 anlässlich des Goi Peace Forums in Tokio entgegennehmen. Warum unsere Stiftung sich dieses Jahr für Frau Norberg-Hodge
entschieden hat, finden Sie weiter unten auf Englisch.
2004 erschien beim WDR ein einstündiges Radiointerivew mit Frau Norberg-Hodge,
Titel "starke Frauen" und
nachzuhören hier: den besten Grüssen aus Fürstenfeldbruck
Dagmar Berkenberg
World Peace Prayer Society & Goi Peace Foundation
Zur Person:
Frau Norberg-Hodge ist Gründerin und Direktorin der International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC),
einer Non-Profit-Organisation, die sich mit dem Schutz biologischer und kultureller Vielfalt auf der Erde befasst.
Die ISEC führt auf vier Kontinenten Programme durch, die der Stärkung der ökologischen Vielfalt und Gemeinschaft dienen,
speziell im Bereich regionale Ernährung und Landwirtschaft.
Norberg-Hodge ist Mitgründerin des International Forum on Globalization, einer Allianz von 60 führenden Aktivisten, Schülern,
Wirtschaftlern, Forschern und Autoren, welche zum Ziel hat, neue Denkweisen anzuregen sowie gemeinsame Aktivitäten und
öffentliche Bildungsprojekte durchzuführen, die eine Antwort auf die zunehmende Globalisierung sein sollen.
Sie arbeitet im Global Ecovillage Network mit und steht dem Ladakh-Projekt vor, das für seine bahnbrechenden Arbeiten für nachhaltige Entwicklung im tibetischen Hochland berühmt wurde. Dafür wurde Norberg-Hodge 1986 mit dem Right Livelihood Award , auch bekannt als Alternativer Nobelpreis, ausgezeichnet.
Helena Norberg-Hodge to Receive the 2012 Goi Peace Award
Goi Peace Award 2012: Helena Norberg-HodgeThe Goi Peace Foundation will bestow the 2012 Goi Peace Award on Helena Norberg-Hodge, the founder and director of the International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC), and a pioneer of the 'new economy' movement.
The annual Goi Peace Award honors individuals and organizations in various fields that have made outstanding contributions toward the realization of a peaceful and harmonious world for humanity and all life on earth. Created in 2000, previous Goi Peace Award recipients include Ervin Laszlo, Oscar Arias, Lester Brown, Bill Gates and Deepak Chopra.
Ms. Norberg-Hodge will receive the award at a ceremony during the Goi Peace Foundation Forum 2012 to be held at Ginza Blossom Hall in Tokyo on November 25, 2012.
The selection committee has chosen Helena Norberg-Hodge for the Goi Peace Award "in recognition of her pioneering work in the new economy movement to help create a more sustainable and equitable world. Through her advocacy and educational activities promoting localization from an international perspective, Ms. Norberg-Hodge has contributed to the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide."
As an author, filmmaker and public lecturer, Ms. Norberg-Hodge has been promoting an economics of personal, social and ecological well-being for more than thirty years. She is a widely respected analyst of the impact of the global economy on communities, local economies, and personal identity, and is a leading proponent of 'localization,' or decentralization, as a means of countering those impacts.
A native of Sweden, Ms. Norberg-Hodge was educated in Sweden, Germany, Austria, England and the United States. She specialized in linguistics, including studies at the University of London and at MIT. In 1975, she visited Ladakh, or "Little Tibet," and was the first Westerner in recent times to master the Ladakhi language and co-produce the first Ladakhi-English dictionary. Since then, she has worked with the people of Ladakh to find ways of enabling their culture to meet the modern world without sacrificing social and ecological values. For these efforts she was awarded the Right Livelihood Award, or 'Alternative Nobel Prize,' in 1986.
Her book, Ancient Futures, has been described as "an inspirational classic." Together with the film of the same title, it has been translated into more than 40 languages, and sold about half a million copies. She is also the producer and co-director of the award-winning film, The Economics of Happiness, and the co-author of Bringing the Food Economy Home and From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture. She has written numerous articles and essays, and her work has been the subject of more than 300 articles worldwide.
ISEC, which she founded as The Ladakh Project, has now expanded its activities to run programs all over the world. The organization examines the root causes of our current social and environmental crises, while promoting grassroots and policy-level strategies for ecological and community renewal. She is also a founding member of the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, and a co-founder of both the International Forum on Globalization and the Global Ecovillage Network.
About the Goi Peace Foundation
Established in Tokyo, Japan in 1999, the Goi Peace Foundation is a public benefit organization with a mission to support the evolution of humanity toward a peaceful and harmonious new civilization. Through various educational and outreach programs, it promotes consciousness, values and wisdom for creating peace, and builds cooperation among individuals and organizations across diverse fields, including education, science, culture and the arts. The Foundation is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It also maintains official relations with UNESCO.