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Obama wiedergewählt!!!

Obama wiedergewählt!!!

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass der für die Welt bessere Politiker sich in der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika durchgesetzt hat!
Wir gratulieren Barack Obama und all seinen WählerInnen und HelferInnen für diesen wunderbaren Sieg!
Obama hat die Chance, seine Visionen umzusetzen, weitere vier Jahre lang! Bravo! Wie könnte man auch in nur einer Legislaturperiode all die Fehler wieder gut machen, die George W. Bush und sein Vater in den Jahrzehnten davor angerichtet haben?!?
Danke an Alle, die Barack Obama die Daumen gedrückt haben, und viel Glück für ihn und seine Projekte und Visionen.

Liebe Grüße vom Team tageschance

A Comment from Ringo USA:

A Comment from Ringo


Dear Mr.President Obama, oh yee Citizens of America we do send our regards and Simphatise with you after this great desaster what have just past over your Nation and wish you a fast recovery.

Turkey, Russia, Germany:

Dear Mr.President Erdgoan, Mr.Putin/Medwediv, Frau Merkel, it would be a Great Honour when your Nations could call up the President of America and offer him and his Nation your Help in this state of Emergency where many of the US Citizens (specially those of New York) are desperately in need of.

Turkey could send up the Turkey Half Moon, Germany the THW, and Russia can supply also Help in which ever form.

We would be very Thankfull and would show unto you all our Blessings of Greatfullness.


You the Citizens of the USA shouldn't be too shame to take the Help of these Tree if they should decide to assist you in such a moment like this is, but should leave all differences behind you and continue to look after the needs of eachother.


Mr.President Putin, as Maitreya Buddha the Christ and World Teacher once said, do I also repeat: I am the one knocking at the door and shall not go away until you have opened up.

Mr.Putin, even when I am sometimes angry over some of those OLD and Stupid Laws what you pass, seeing that they dont fit into our modern age, I wish that you know that I still Love you very much as a Brother of mines, and why? Because I know that you have a Great Big Heart of Love what needs only to be Practiced and when done, Millions of People World wide would begin to see the real Glorious Putin and Love him instead of hate the Monster behind whom you now hide. This Monster Mr.Putin, you must one day resign from it and show the World that you are a Most Beautifull Person. That most Beautifull Person who I know and Love.

Open your Heart Mr.Putin.


Mr.President Erdgaon, we are most Greatfull and Honoured for all what you have done for those Helpless of Syria. We are more Happier and Thankfull that you haven't gone to war with that Crazy man Bashar Al Asad to play his foolish games with him.

For your Patience, your Help to the Syrian People and your Duty as a Peace Maker, please know and understand that the Gods, the Angels, the Devas, and all the Heavens as well as all Humanity, Animals, Vegetation, and Minerals have seen and know's what a Task it is to have taken in soo much People and to have Helped them and therefore your Blessings of Allah shall be a very Great one for you and your Nation of the Turkey!!!!!!!!! ALLAH AKBAR, JAH IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!May the Spirit of Peace, the Gods Indra and Brahma, Maitreya Buddha and the Lord Jesus and His Brother Mohamad Guide and Protect the Nation of Turkey!!!!!!!!!

May the One Great God Bless you all!!!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love

Ein Komment von Ringo Deutschland:

Ein Komment von Ringo


Wer bereit ist der Vernunft zu zuhören, wurde nein zu der Ausstrahlung des Verachtenden Mohammed Videos sagen.

Niemand wurde gerne die Schuld in Kauf nehmen falls es zu weiteren Morden und Ausschreitungen kommen sollte.

Wir in den Westlichen Nationen möge es als Legitim sehen, doch für die Muslimische Welt ist es wie eine Demütigung. Lasset uns versuchen nicht Verletzen zu sein und den Wunsch der Anderen zu Akzeptieren, denn selbst dass ist Dienst am Nächsten.

Namaskar Jah Love


To the Muslim and Islamic World:

Sometimes I sit and wonder why, why do you let little silly things like such a Video upset you in such a form, seeing that you know that it is made to provoke you?

You my Brothers and Sisters of the Muslim/Islamic World, if you did all stand up for the Rights of your Brothers and Sisters who suffer and die by the hands of Bashar Al Asad in Syria as you have done against this stupid Video, the people of Syria would have been for a very long time a Free People. Millions of you did go out on the streets in almost every Nation of the World to Protest against that stupid Video, I wish you would Ingage yourself for the People of Syria instead.

Namaskar Jah Love

